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Elder Law Q&A: When Can I Enroll In Or Change Medicare Drug Plan Or Health Plans?

Elder Law Q&A: When Can I Enroll In Or Change Medicare Drug Plan Or Health Plans?

Question: When can I enroll in or change Medicare drug plan or health plans?

Answer: Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), also called Open Enrollment Period, is once each year during October 15 to December 7. During that period, those who are already enrolled in Medicare can change Part D drug plans, or they can change from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare or vice versa. Drug plans should be shopped each year because premiums, deductibles, co-pays and the drugs covered by a plan (the formulary) may change.

The following information is taken from “When is Medicare Open Enrollment” article on

Mark your calendar with these important dates! In most cases, this may be the only chance you have each year to make a change to your Medicare coverage.

  1. October 15–December 7: Compare your coverage with other options for your area. You may be able to save money for the following year by changing plans.
  2. January 1: New coverage begins if you make a change during Open Enrollment. New costs and benefit changes also begin.

If you would like more information about Medicare or have questions, please contact Smith Law, PLLC at (850) 912-4141 or by e-mail at

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